
Corporate Tax Registration
When to do Corporate Tax Registration? 

The process of registering for corporate tax in the UAE includes significant steps. Initially, businesses need to collect all pertinent financial documents, ensuring their accuracy and completeness. Following this, they can commence the registration procedure through the official channels offered by the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). The FTA provides a user-friendly online portal, enabling companies…

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Anti Money Laundering Services in UAE
UAE Removed From Money Laundering ‘Grey List’ – The Financial Action

Task Force Confirmed. After spending two years on the global financial ‘grey list,’ the UAE has officially been taken off by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). This significant development reflects the nation’s strong commitment to combating money laundering and counter-terrorism financing, and throughout the monitoring period. This accomplishment highlights the UAE’s dedication to maintaining…

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Unveiling the Power of AML Audits and Reporting
Unveiling the Power of AML Audits and Reporting

Conducting an anti-money laundering (AML) audit is a crucial procedure for financial institutions to verify adherence to regulations and thwart money laundering and terrorist financing. When executed successfully, this audit plays a pivotal role in enabling an organization to recognize and address risks, bolster internal controls, and elevate the standards of customer due diligence practices.…

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AML Training And The Fight Against Financial Crime
AML Training And The Fight Against Financial Crime

The establishment of an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance department is a crucial step in fortifying a financial institution’s defenses against illicit activities. However, having skilled employees with AML-specific expertise is equally essential. Proficiency in risk management is paramount, as these professionals play a pivotal role in identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with money laundering.…

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Essential Guide To Customer Due Diligence & Risk Assessment
The Essential Guide To Customer Due Diligence & Risk Assessment

When onboarding new clients, conducting a customer risk assessment becomes imperative. This process aids in identifying individuals with a potentially elevated risk, enabling the implementation of appropriate measures to thwart money laundering. In the dynamic landscape of contemporary business, it is essential to comprehend and navigate these risks effectively for sustained prosperity. This guide explores…

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Corporate Tax In UAE – How To Register?

Hey there, if you own a business in the UAE and feel a bit overwhelmed about dealing with corporate tax, don’t worry! We’ve got a simple guide to help you through the steps of registering for corporate tax in the UAE. This way, you can make sure you’re following the rules and making the most…

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Terrorist And Proliferation Financing

Terrorist Financing Terrorist financing is the covert provision of funds to individuals, groups, or organizations engaged in acts of terrorism directly or indirectly. This illicit financial activity is a critical component of the broader strategy employed by terrorists to carry out attacks, recruit members, and sustain their operations. Funds may be acquired through various means,…

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Proliferation Finance Institutional Risk Assessment
Proliferation Finance Institutional Risk Assessment

In the ever-evolving and changing landscape of global finance, staying ahead of emerging risks is paramount. One such risk that has gained increasing attention in recent years is Proliferation Finance. As the world grapples with the complex interplay of economic interests and geopolitical tensions, financial institutions find themselves on the frontline, tasked with identifying and…

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AML/CFT Risk Assessment

AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and CFT (Counter Financing of Terrorism) are two pillars that form the foundation of a robust system that aims to safeguard financial institutions and economies from illicit activities. One crucial aspect of this defense mechanism is the AML/CFT Risk Assessment – an intricate process that unveils potential vulnerabilities and fortifies the walls…

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What Are Bookkeeping Services And Why It’s Important For Your Business In UAE

Welcome to the vibrant world of business in the UAE, where opportunities abound and dreams take flight Know About Bookkeeping Services in UAE What are Bookkeeping Services? Imagine bookkeeping as the storyteller of your business’s financial journey. It involves systematically recording, organizing, and tracking every financial transaction – from expenses and income to purchases and…

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