Business Set-Up and Support Services

UAE is an ideal place to start your business, expand and grow. Starting Business Set Up and Support Services for new and existing entrepreneurs can be a tedious and time-consuming job.

It involves:

Identifying the Nature of Your Business Activity.
Assessing and deciding on whether to set up business in Free Zone or Mainland
Determining Your Company’s Legal Structure.
Registering the Trade Name.
Applying for Initial Approval.
Creating Local Service Agent Agreement or MOA.
Choosing Your Business Location.
Applying for Additional Government Approvals.
Business Set Up and Support Services

Business set up in UAE Free Zones:

There are more than forty free zones across United Arab Emirates situated in a defined geographical area within each emirate, in which expatriates and foreign investors can have full ownership of companies. These zones are characterized by their highly efficient infrastructure, and distinct services that facilitate smooth workflows, saving businesses considerable time and effort. Each Free Zone is designed around one or more business industry categories and only offers licenses to companies within those categories.

Benefits of Free Zones for Foreign Investors: 

UAE free trade zones offer facilities to non-resident corporates like:

The convenience of single window administration, and 100% ownership.
100% Repatriation of Capital and Profits.
Fast and Easy Business Set-up Procedures
Developed Business Communities
Various Options at Competitive Costs
100% Exemption from Corporate and Income Taxes
100% Exemption from Customs Duty
Independent Laws and Regulations
Easy Access to Regional, Global Market
Modern and Sophisticated Infrastructure

Business set up in UAE Mainland:

The UAE is a one of the world’s Most Attractive Investment Hubs. The investment attractiveness of the UAE witnessed a steady increase over the past years. With its ability to attract substantial investments, the country enhanced its cumulative FDI inflows and became one of the most preferred investment destinations across the world. According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the UAE was the world’s 15th biggest recipient of foreign direct investment in 2020. It was also ranked the most attractive country for investments in West Asia, Middle East and North Africa regions.

Main Benefits of setting up business are:
Multi-cultural, diverse, and skillful talented labor force.
Arabic and English are the main languages.
Newly launched visa system attracting qualified workforce towards various sectors and providing the opportunity for expats to consider UAE as their home.
Up to 100% foreign ownership, 100% profit repatriation, competitive financing costs, high levels of liquidity and strong banking system, no foreign exchange controls, strong appreciation and fully convertible currency, low inflation, low customs tariffs between 0-5% for most goods, incentive programs for SME’s and Entrepreneurs
The UAE has no personal income tax; the UAE continually works to grow its network of agreements on exchanging tax information and avoiding double taxation.
Investment Protection, full ownership of businesses in all economic sectors (exception of strategic impact activities), foreign businesses do not require a service agent.
Government’s Progressive & Pro-Business Stance, introduction of 100% business ownership for foreigners, ranked number 1 in the world for Covid Resilience and keeping infections low, while keeping businesses and travel open and one of the most competitive corporate tax regimes in the world.

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