What is performance report?
Performance reports provide up-to-date bookkeeping services in Abu Dhabi information about fund performance in a consistent, accessible, and understandable manner. Performance and risk analysis will provide the insights on drivers of fund performance and its associated risks.
Why performance report?
Performance reports provide investors and other stakeholders the information they require to make well-informed decisions about whether funds’ risk/reward relationships are appropriate to their specific needs. The accurate and timely production of performance reports are key to maintain client trust and confidence.
How can we help?
Our team well versed with perfect blend of professional credentials and decades of experience in investment industry. We strive hard to identify most suitable accounting and performance reporting solutions aligned with the customer’s personalized requirements.

Our role includes but not limited to:
We can manage books and records of investment portfolios for individuals, partnerships, corporates, trusts, or any other legal entities.
We can assist you in building the composites or aggregations to track investment performance at each level of aggregation, from the instrument level to the total fund level. Based on the requirements, performance can be measured at different aggregation levels i.e., managers, custodians, asset classes, Industry sectors, countries, and currencies etc. To ensure reliable performance results, data quality checks are instigated.
Performance measurement and reporting
Evaluate performance across the aggregates using suitable methodology. Further insights will be drawn by measuring the performance against its benchmark and the active return can be analyzed to evaluate the fund managers investment decisions.
Performance Attribution and Risk Reporting
The Performance Attribution Report helps you to determine how the portfolio manager’s decisions on asset allocation and selection of securities affects the portfolio’s performance when compared to the performance of its benchmark. The risk-based performance attribution decomposes excess return to active risk factor exposures. The Total Fund level attribution analysis can be used to get the insights on asset allocation decisions (i.e., Tactical Verses Strategic).
Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)
We will ensure that performance calculation and presentations are in line with Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). As an independent third-party verifier, we can assess whether your firm has complied with all the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis.
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